Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Unit 2 Reflection

Health is the measure of our body's efficiency and over-all well being. The 5 pillars of health are very important to live a healthy life, which include stress, exercise, social, sleep, and nutrition. All of these pillars of health are very important and people should not focus on just a couple, they should focus on all of them. Being Healthy also corresponds to having healthy hormones. The "big 4" hormones are Insulin, Leptin, Cortisol, and Glucagon. Insulin is anabolic hormones secreted by alpha cells of the pancreas while Glucagon is the opposite: catabolic hormones secreted by beta cells of the pancreas. When insulin, leptin, glucagon, and cortisol are doing their job properly, you are physically healthy.After studying Unit 2 Health, I think I am healthy because I always follow the five pillars of health. Sleep is very important to me and I try to get as much as possible. I eat healthy and stay away from hydrogenated oils. I try not to get too stressed out because that can negatively affect my health. I play tennis every day and I also play on the school tennis team. Lastly, I spend a lot of times with friends. However, I don't think overall people at Saratoga High School are healthy mostly because they are not getting the necessary amount of sleep and they get too stressed out from school. Students procrastinate which makes them more likely to be sleep deprived. To promote greater health and wellness on campus, I think students should be given less strenuous homework assignments and students should try not to procrastinate. 

I learned a lot from the health unit. I did not know that stress and sleep can affect your overall well being. I also learned a lot from the Falcon Market because a lot of the foods I thought were healthy turned out to be very fatty. For example, some types of peanut butter contain hydrogenated oil, which I thought was very interesting because hydrogenated oil (transfat) is very bad for you and should be avoided as much as possible. I also learned a lot about the different types of hormones and the effect they have on the body. The themes and essential understandings of this unit was what is health, what is needed to maximize your nutrition for optimal health and disease prevention, how does exercise enhance health, why is sleep important, what are the physiological affects of stress, and why are social connections good for your health? I still don't fully understand all the functions of the hormones, such as leptin and cortisol because they are very complex. To improve on the next unit, I will focus more in class and try to stay more organized with all my worksheets. 

This unit relates to my life because my grandma got a very severe diabetes and I never fully understood why. However, now i know that diabetes is common with people who eat an excess about of sugars and unhealthy things. This relates to one of the five pillars of health: nutrition. To prevent from getting diabetes or other illnesses, people need to eat good food, including omega 3. 

Goal Sheet: My health goals are to eat more fruits and vegetables and to sleep more. The actions I will take is to pay more attention to the foods I eat and to not procrastinate so I can finish my homework earlier. A healthy life is important to me because I want to be healthy and I don't want to die from any health related reasons. I will know when I have reached my goal when I have eaten more vegetables and I sleep earlier. 
Images relating to blog post: (sleep, good nutrition, and exercise)

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