Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Unit 5 Reflection

Unit 5 was about the Digestive System, Fuel Metabolism, Diabetes, Endocrine System, and the Lymphatic System. I learned the functions of each system; for example, the lymphatic system's function is immunity, lipid absorption, and fluid recovery. I learned that steroid hormones are lipid soluble, which means that they can pass through the cell membrane without receptors needed. Non steroid hormones are not lipid soluble, which means that they need to react with specific receptors outside the cell, which leads to formation of cAMP. The Endocrine System has many important glands, such as the Thyroid Gland, Parathyroid glands, and adrenal medulla, which have specific hormones. Growth Hormone is specific to the Anterior Lobe while ADH is specific to the Posterior Lobe. Diabetes is when the body can't properly regulate blood glucose levels. The first time is an autoimmune disorder where the body does not make insulin at all so the people must take insulin shots. Type 2 Diabetes usually begins as insulin resistance where the body doesn't respond properly to insulin. Lastly, I learned that the passage way of food goes from the mouth to pharynx to esophagus to stomach to small intestines to large intestines to anal canal to anus.

My weaknesses were the three stages of Metabolism: Fed State, Fasting State, and Starvation State. I was confused how long the Fed State lasts and when you know you are in the Fed State versus the Fasting State. That topic was very difficult for me to learn, but when I reviewed the notes, it made the three stages more clear. My strengths were the different hormones insulin and glucagon since we learned them last semester. It's interesting to know that those hormones are so important to the body. Insulin signals high glucose levels and promotes fat storage while glucagon signals ow glucose levels and stimulates conversion of glycogen to glucose in liver.

In Unit 5, we did many detailed packets that were very hard to understand. However, I found them helpful for understanding the topics we went over in class. We had to read two packets called Integration of Metabolism and Stress, Metabolism, and Liquidating Your Assets. We also had to fill out another packet called the Endocrine System. We also did a Digestive System Lab (Blog Post) which helped me understand the sizes of the alimentary canal and other organs such as the stomach and small intestines. It was interesting to see how long it really was.

I am interested to learn if Diabetes is based on genetics, or is it just something people develop based on their everyday habits. I am also interested in learning more about the lymphatic system because usually, people don't really understand the importance of that system. My New Years Goal (New Years Goals blog post) was to start listening more in class, and I think I am listening and focusing more in class. Another goal was to not procrastinate. I still don't think I have reached this goal yet.

Data from Digestive System Lab. My digestive tract is approximately 8.3729m.
Nimisha doing her relate and review for Lymphatic System.
Kanika working on Unit 5 Reflection

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Digestive System Lab

1. In this lab, the class made models of our own digestive systems by measuring and cutting yarn to represent lengths of different parts of the system and taping the pieces of yarn together to form one long string. My main "takeaways" of this lab was to understand how long the hollow tube in our digestive system really was. It differs for everyone due to their height and several other factors.

Data Table:

2. My height is 1.5494 meters (61 inches). The length of my digestive tract in meters is 8.3729 meters, which means my digestive tract is approximately 6.8235 meters longer than my height. The digestive system is able to fit inside the abdomen because it is coiled up.

3. I think it takes about two days for food to move through your entire digestive system. From the Mayo Clinic (Mayo Clinic) digestion takes about 24 to 72 hours for healthy adults. My guess is close to what the actual value was. Some factors that influence the time it takes is how frequently you eat, how much you chew your food, and what you eat.

4. Digestion is the breakdown of food into smaller particles while absorption is taking in needed nutrients, water, etc.

5. I want to learn about how exactly the food is broken down and what processes occur in the digestive system.

Monday, January 4, 2016

New Year's Goals

My first goal is that I will not procrastinate in any of my classes, including Anatomy, for the whole semester. To work towards this goal, I will start work and homework the day it is assigned. If it is a huge project that is hard to do in one day, I will do a little each day, so I don't have to worry too much when the day before the project is due comes. For the 20 Time Project, I will work hard every Monday, so the project will be done by the end of the semester. Also, I will start studying for a test four days in advance instead of the day before the actual test. I will use my planner so I can know in advance when everything is due. Last semester, I didn't use a planner, so I always had to ask my friends the day before something was due. A planner would make it easier for me not to procrastinate. 

My second goal is that I will listen more in class for the whole semester. Usually, I do not focus as much as I can in class so when I go home, I have to learn everything by myself. This year, I hope to listen and focus, so at home, I will be less stressed out from all the work. To work towards this goal, I will pretend that after class, I have a quiz on the material that is taught that day. Then, I will focus more and hopefully, I will be less stressed out. I will also block out all distractions. For the 20 Time Project, I will make sure to focus and listen to all the instructions given in class, so I don't do anything wrong.