Monday, April 18, 2016

Bringing More Awareness to Important Organizations/Charities

I have learned a lot about the different organizations and charities that are tying to help make people's lives better and easier. This week, I decided to make a website where I describe and list the different charities that most people are unaware of, so hopefully people can realize the significance to donate to these organizations. It was very interesting to research different charities for children because I was not aware of mostly all of them and now I feel that I know more about all these charities. I have learned that I used to not really care about learning all the organizations and donating to more charities, but now I know that helping others is important. In other poorer countries, people live much harder lives and these organizations help them, so I learned that life for me is definitely not as hard what others are going through, so I need to help bring more awareness so other people can realize how important donating is. I also started to make charms of pencils to raise more money for Pencils of Promise, which I plan to sell sometime this month.

I have had a lot of setbacks. For example, it took me a really long to make the charm, but after a lot of practice, I finally got it. The next step in my process is continuing to lengthen my website and sell my charms to people.  I was thinking of selling my charms to patients at my mom's work. I can apply what I have learned to my community because in Saratoga, life is easy and we don't have to worry about getting enough food for the family; our priorities are nothing compared to the people in other countries who are dying of starvation. I think our community needs to realize how important it is to help others in their community and also outside.
This is my website so far:
Charities/Organizations Weebly


  1. This looks like so much fun! Good work and by the looks of it, you seem to have gotten pretty far in this project. I look forward to seeing the end result!

  2. Hi Neeka! This is a really noble project. Often we don't realize the hardships surrounding us because we live in a bubble. This project seems like an amazing way to get in touch with the outside world as well!
