Wednesday, September 16, 2015

What is Health?

Health is very important to me. I believe health is a measure of our mental, social, and physical well being and condition. Good health is something that everyone wants in their life. In order to achieve good health, it is important to understand the 5 pillars of health, which are nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress, and social. I think the nutrition pillar is the strongest because good nutrition helps you grow and lead a healthy life style. If you eat bad food, you have a higher change of developing obesity and diabetes. I think I need the most improvement on the sleep pillar because I usually don't get enough sleep every day due to homework. I want to learn more about the causes of good health and the ways in which different people can become healthy.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Unit 1 Reflection

This unit was supposed to be an Intro to Anatomy and Physiology. We learned about the different anatomical terms, the four macro molecules, and the four different tissue types. The themes and essential understandings our Biology: cell bio and molecules, Anatomy and Physiology directional terms, and histology. I learned a lot about the different tissue types and the four macro-molecules. The labs helped me get a visual of the four tissue types, so I could understand how their form fits their function. I understand everything that we learned this chapter, but naming the different tissue types is still difficult for me to do. To improve in the next unit, I will make flashcards on the important materials so it can help me remember the information better. My aunt damaged her epithelial tissue and I didn't fully understand what could happen as a result of the injury. However, now I know that as a result of tissue damage, inflammation occurs which causes swelling, warmth, pain, and redness. These conditions are a result of mast cell activation which releases vasodiliators such as histamine.

3 Pictures from this Unit:

Picture from where I sit. At the beginning of each period, we do the do-now and look at the homework. This whiteboard also has the essentials and our agenda for the day.

Lab notebook and computer I use when I do blog posts at school.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Tissue Lab

This lab helped me learn about the different tissues and their structures. It was really interesting to see the different types of tissue under the microscope: epithelial, connective, muscular, and nervous tissue. After we looked at each tissue type, it's easier to understand their functions because form fits function and we could relate the tissues to the other types and look at their differences. This lab helped me understand the lecture notes more because in the lecture, we learned the different parts of the tissue and the functions. By observing the structure, its easier to understand how the tissue works in relation to the rest of the body. 

The differences between the different tissue types were obvious after looking at them through a microscope. For example, the connective tissue was tightly/ loosely backed with a bunch of tiny cells. Here is a picture of an epithelial cell from the microscope:

Here is a picture of the different types of connective tissue:

Here is a picture of the different nervous tissues:

Lastly, here is a picture I drew of the Human Skeletal Muscle (Muscle Tissue):

As you can see from the pictures, Epithelial Tissue looked like continuous sheets. The different shapes, such as simple squamous and stratified cuboidal, help account for the various functions of epithelial cells, like protection, absorption, secretion, and ion transport. The shape of the connective tissue was mainly tiny little fibers densely or loosely packed together. This shape helps fit the function of connective tissues, which is to bind together, support, and strengthen other body tissues. The shape of muscle tissues was either cylindrical (skeletal), branched (cardiac) or spindle shaped (smooth). The shape helps fit the function of each of the three muscle types.