Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Unit 1 Reflection

This unit was supposed to be an Intro to Anatomy and Physiology. We learned about the different anatomical terms, the four macro molecules, and the four different tissue types. The themes and essential understandings our Biology: cell bio and molecules, Anatomy and Physiology directional terms, and histology. I learned a lot about the different tissue types and the four macro-molecules. The labs helped me get a visual of the four tissue types, so I could understand how their form fits their function. I understand everything that we learned this chapter, but naming the different tissue types is still difficult for me to do. To improve in the next unit, I will make flashcards on the important materials so it can help me remember the information better. My aunt damaged her epithelial tissue and I didn't fully understand what could happen as a result of the injury. However, now I know that as a result of tissue damage, inflammation occurs which causes swelling, warmth, pain, and redness. These conditions are a result of mast cell activation which releases vasodiliators such as histamine.

3 Pictures from this Unit:

Picture from where I sit. At the beginning of each period, we do the do-now and look at the homework. This whiteboard also has the essentials and our agenda for the day.

Lab notebook and computer I use when I do blog posts at school.

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