Tuesday, May 31, 2016

20 Time Final Post

Highlight your final product:

My final product for my 20 Time project was making a website and charms.

I made this charm to give to the people who donated to "Pencils of  Promise" through the site I created.
This is a screenshot of the page i made on crowd rise. This is where I raised money. This site is really interesting because people can donate DIRECTLY to the organization of choice.
I made a presentation (Presentation Link) that I showed to the class, which included statistics and an overview of the organization. I talked a lot about the man who created Pencils of Promise, Adam Braun. I was inspired to do my 20 time project because of a TedTalk Video (Ted Talk Video) I watched about this man.

Embed your Ted Talk Video: I could not find my Ted Talk Video on the page you posted on canvas. I presented last Friday when you weren't here.

Reflect on the TED Talk:I think my Ted Talk went really well. I think that I really addressed the goal of my project and my learning experience. I also made sure to speak louder than I usually speak, so people could hear what I had to say. If I could do this project again, I would talk less about Adam Braun and the Ted Talk video and focus more on my product and process.

I think that I included everything that was addressed in the rubric, so I would give myself a 75/75. I made sure to include 3 references and describe my learning experience and setbacks.
To prepare for my 20 Time project, I made a presentation and wrote out a speech. For the first couple times, I practiced my speech using the paper. However, after a little bit, I didn't need the speech anymore and I started to just practice my presentation by just looking at my google slides presentation. I don't really do a lot of presentations in my other classes, so it was really nice to see how much I could say and how well I could speak during a presentation. I feel that in life, you have to give a lot of presentations, especially if you want to be involved in business. This experience will definitely help me in the future. I have grown through this experience because in my topic, I learned a lot about charities and organizations and what people in other countries are going through. It's really important for people like us to see that others in areas like Asia and South America are struggling every day. This project made me more aware of the outside world.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

20 Time Individual Reflection

20% Time is where 20% of class time is dedicated to a student project (has to be problem/solution oriented, but students have total freedom to pick their topic). For my 20% Time Project, I have chosen to raise money and bring more awareness about helping others who do not have access to the same things as we do. Initially, I wanted to raise money for an organization called Pencils of Promise, a non profit organization that funds scholarships, builds schools, and trains teachers, by making crafts and selling them to people. After a couple weeks, I realized that I wanted to do more than just donate money to this organization. I wanted to show people how important it is to help your community. I decided to make a website where I list some good organizations to donate to and also quotes from people in our community who regularly donate and how they feel when they give back to the community. I also made a short youtube video (I still need to edit) where I interviewed people on their thoughts on donations and charities. I asked them certain questions like if they enjoy giving than receiving. It was very interesting to see the results and I made the video so others can also (I will show in Ted Talk Presentation). It was very challenging to make the charms, which took me a couple weeks to master. 

I ended up selling only 10 before I realized that I rather bring more awareness toward the different organizations so more people will be inspired to give back to the community. I chose this challenge because I think giving back to the community is important and I love helping others who are less fortunate. My goal was initially raise money for an organization called Pencils of Promise that builds schools in poorer areas where education is not a priority, but later on, my goal was to help others realize that giving back to the community is important and should not be ignored. I did achieve my goal by selling few charms to people and making a website and youtube video so people can become more aware about my message about helping society. 

I actually really enjoyed doing this project. It was really great to give back to the community and helping others realize that giving is important. This project is definitely a life-long project because it is hard to get the whole world to agree to help others, since many only think about their own needs. 

This 20 Time Project helped me learn more about the different organizations and how fortunate we are to grow up in a community where everyone is so caring and helpful. I realize that we need to help others if we want to make a difference in this world. 

I am going to continue to raise awareness to giving to others for my whole life and hopefully, my efforts will make a difference in the world.

Reflexes Lab

In this lab, we tested out the photo pupillary reflex, the knee jerk reflex, the blink reflex, and the babe, what's your sign reflex. We then did an activity where we tested our response time to something we see with two trials: one with texting and one without. In the notes, we learned that reflexes are rapid, predictable, and involuntary responses to stimuli. A reflex arc is a pathway to nerve impulses and they do not go to the brain. Reflexes are simply natural reactions we are all born with and they are a sign that your body is healthy. Neurons are highly specialized to transmit messages from one part of the body to another.

Claim Evidence Reasoning

Part 1: Photopupillary Reflex

Claim: When the intensity of the light entering the eye increases, a photopupillary reflex is triggered, and the colliery body of the iris is stimulated to contract. We observed that the pupil decreased in size  and less light entered the eye.

Evidence: In our experiment, I covered my eye with my hands for two minutes and then after, shined a flashlight close to one eye. We observed the pupil and played close attention to the size. We saw that the size of the pupil decreased, and less light entered the eye.

Reasoning: This reflex occurred because the photopupillary reflex is triggered when the intensity of the light entering the eye increases.

Part 2: Knee Jerk Reflex

Claim: The knee jerk reflex is a 2 neuron reflex arc. The reflex goes from sensory neuron to spinal cord to motor neuron to the knee. The knee jerk reflex is also called a monosynaptic reflex because there is only one synapse in the circuit needed to complete the reflex. We observed t hat when Michelle hit my knee at a certain spot near my knee cap, my leg kicked out;

Evidence: In our experiment, Michelle hit my knee at a spot just below the knee cap. On my first try, my leg did not kick out, but after several tries, it finally worked. I think that our problem at first was that we did not hit the right place, but soon figured out our mistake.

Reasoning: The tap below the knee causes the thigh muscle to stretch. Information is then send to the spinal cord. After one synapse in the ventral horn of the spinal cord, the information is sent back out to the muscle.

Part 3: Blind Reflex

Claim: The Blind reflex is the automatic closure of the eyelid when an object is perceived as coming to rapidly to the eye. We observed that I did blink as a cotton ball was thrown at me.

Evidence: I stood behind a see-through barrier and Michelle through a cotton ball at me, and I did the same to her after. We both blinked every time the cotton ball was thrown over, which shows that the blink reflex did work properly for both of us.

Reasoning: People blink typically 15 times per minute, and this reflex really does protect the cornea from dying out and from contact with foreign objects. This reflex response is initiated by sensory stimuli that activate afferent neurons.

Part 4: Babe, what's your sign

Claim: The plantar reflex is used as an important neurological test. It is initiated when the sole of the food is stimulated with a blunt instrument. Our claim is that as a result, our toes did flex and move closer together, which shows that this reflex was functioning properly.

Evidence: In this test, I sat on the table and took my shoes and socks off of one food. Michelle took a pen with a cap on it and firmly grade the pen up the sole of the food from the heel to the base of the big toe. As a result, we observed that the toes flexed and moved closer together.

Reasoning: This response occurred because the plantar reflex was working properly in each of our bodies. This reflex was a response that occurred when the body receives a certain stimuli. However, if there is nerve damage one might show Babinski's sign, where the toes spread apart and upward.

Part 5: How Fast are You?

This activity is designed to measure response time to something that you see. In this test, we took a ruler and helped is near the end with the highest number and let is hang down. We had another person put his or her hand at the bottom of the ruler and have them ready to grab the ruler. We recorded the level at which we each caught the ruler. We had three trials and took the average time (used table to convert the distance to time).
This reaction time experiment required visual information to travel to the brain. Then our brain sent a motor command to the muscles of your arm and hand.
My average time was 0.18 seconds and Michelle's average time was 0.15 seconds.

We repeated the test again, except this time we texted while doing it. We observed that our reaction time was dramatically reduced.

My average time without texting was 0.18 seconds but my average time with texting was 0.42 seconds, which shows that texting did have a huge effect on my time.

Data while texting

Data without texting

Table: Class Data

This test showed us that texting can severely decrease reaction rate. This therefore shows that texting while driving is very dangerous and it is a huge distraction. This is a major reason so many people die in car accidents. Texting changed the reaction rate.

In this picture, we are doing the "How Fast Are You?" Test

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

My Brain Map

To complete this assignment, I used a website called Your Brain Map ( Brain Map) where I got  to observe the different parts of the brain and their different functions/interesting facts.
Open Colleges Presents Your Brain Map: 84 Strategies for Accelerated Learning
An interactive infographic by Open Colleges

Cerebral Cortex
  1. What do the frontal lobes do?
The frontal lobe controls your personality, but it's also where problem solving, memory, judgement, and impulse control occur. The frontal lobe executes your behavior. The left side of the lobe deals with "language based" while the right side of the brain involves processes that don't require language.

  1. What is the relationship between selective attention and learning?
Selective Attention shows that your intelligence levels depend on how selective you are when remembering information. It makes your working memory capacity greater as it allows you to prioritize importantorgan used information above unimportant, little used information. Many people think that 'more facts' in your brain equals 'more intelligence' but this is not the case. It is more about how you control the spotlight of your intelligence. 

  1. What is the last part of your brain to develop and what can you do to prevent it from deteriorating? 

The frontal lobe is the last part of your brain to develop and it will be the first to deteriorate with age. There are exercises you can do to prevent your frontal lobe from deteriorating.

  1. What does the neo cortex do?
The neo cortex helps you to navigate your body. It governs your senses, spatial awareness, and motor skills.
  1. What is the role of the pre frontal cortex?

The pre frontal cortex controls your personality, including how you behave in social situations. It organizes your thought and actions to match cohesively with your internal goals. 
  1. What do we know about the pre frontal cortex’s relationship with multitasking?
The prefrontal cortex has a "central bottleneck" which is there to prevent you from doing more than two major things at one time. Despite what you are often told, multitasking does not really exist as your brain is really just jumping from one last to another quickly, often meaning that the quality of the tasks you complete is inferior.

  1. Which part of the brain is associated with speech and language development?  Give an interesting fact about this region.
Broca's Area is responsible for speech production, language comprehension, interpreting the actions of others and your speech associated gestures. There have been instances where tumors have occurred in people in this part of the brain but they were still able to speak, suggesting that in these cases language skills may have been shifted to other nearby parts of the brain.

  1. Which part of your brain is responsible for thinking the following: “Is it hot in here or is it just me?”
  2. What does your visual cortex do for you?

The Somatosensory Cortex is responsible for thinking "is it hot in here or is it just me?" 

The Visual Cortex helps differentiate colors and distinguish complex things such as faces. Without this all your friends and teachers would look the same. 

  1. State three interesting or significant facts about your occipital lobe.
The Occipital Lobe is your brain's processing center. It collects and categorizes visual data. It also deals with your imagination and allows you to process short and long term memories. This part of the brain allows you to register the contexts of me and you and now and then.

  1. What would happen if your temporal lobes were damaged?
Without this part of the brain, you might forget where you parked your car to get to class, or where the bus stops is: you'd ha e to take a map everyday!

  1. What is your “fast brain” and what does it do?
I could not find the answer to this question, but I am guessing that it is part of the brain which carries out roles quickly? 

  1. State 3 things that you could do that would influence your synapses, and have a positive affect on your life and health.
Exercise and a healthy diet provide many benefits for your brain to function. Omega fatty acids help benefit brain function, particularly as these affect the brain's synapses. Eating these fatty acids (ex: fish) can improve the functioning of your synapses. Socializing is also a factor in healthy brain function.

  1. What is the relationship between multi-sensory or multi-modal learning and your dendrites?
Dendritic spines are moveable protrusions of the neuron's dendrite. Their lifespan is influenced by your experience which is laid down by your input activity. This means multiple stimulations mean you will have a better memory. If you engage multiple regions of your brain in storing data about a particular subject, there will be more opportunities for your brain to pull up data from multiple sources. This cross referencing of data stored in your brain may convert the new knowledge from something you have memorized to something you have learned. This concept is known as multi modal learning.

  1. How does “big picture thinking” and mnemonics affect dendrites and/or learning?
Studies show that you need to use 'big picture thinking' to fully comprehend a subject, and then break the subject down into its relevant parts. Learning should be structured around real problems as this helps put 'you' (the learner) into the context and information being examined. Many people find success when employing mnemonic devices to learn. It is a learning technique where you try to remember a personal, humorous, spatial or relatable information about a topic in order to recall it, rather than focusing on abstract facts.
  1. Describe a neurotransmitter that you feel is very important.  Justify your reasoning.
Glutamine plays a key role in how you learn. Glutamate is vital to long term potentiation, a strengthening of the synapses, which is a way that scientists explain the formation of long term memories. Glutamine is essential for our brain functioning to study, particularly as it deals with learning and memory.

Limbic System
  1. What does the corpus callosum do?
Corpus Callosum deals with cognitive, motor, and sensory functions between the two hemispheres. Your corpus callous is where you get your oral language skills and your ability to comprehend how language is structured. It is also involved in reading, dealing with the concepts of print, handwriting and the movement of your eyes.

  1. What is the relationship between music and the corpus callosum
Research has indicated that studying music can help to strengthen the conversation between the two hemispheres of your brain. Musical practice was found to improve the function between the two hands.

  1. Why is the thalamus important?
Thalamus is responsible for motor control, sensory information and states of consciousness such as alertness and sleep. It also deals with your memory, your emotions, your consciousness, awareness and attention.

Relate and Review 

Summarize what you learned from this tutorial.  Relate what you learned to your everyday life and how you can make it better.  Use at least 5 of the bolded words from the questions.  5-sentence minimum. You may use the back of this if needed.

This tutorial was really helpful because it helped me learn the limbic system, cerebral cortex, and neurons. The complete functioning of the brain is vital to people's lives. If some parts of the brain aren't working, it is very detrimental and can lead to death of many problems in the future. I found it very interesting that exercise and a healthy diet can improve brain functioning because I did not know that being healthy affected the brain function. This tutorial helped me understand many essential parts of the brain. For example, the Thalamus is responsible for motor control, sensory information and states of consciousness such as alertness and sleep. It also deals with your memory, your emotions, your consciousness, awareness and attention. Your Corpus Callosum deals with cognitive, motor, and sensory functions between the two hemispheres. Your corpus callous is where you get your oral language skills and your ability to comprehend how language is structured. My mom's friend has a damaged temporal lobe, and I previously did not know what this meant. Now I know that without this part of the brain, you might forget where you parked your car to get to class, or where the bus stops is: you'd ha e to take a map everyday! The frontal lobe is also very important because it controls your personality, but it's also where problem solving, memory, judgement, and impulse control occur. The Occipital Lobe is your brain's processing center. It collects and categorizes visual data. The brain is very complex, and this tutorial helped me understand the key roles of each part of the brain. This assignment related to the clay brain because in the clay brain, we made the brain out of clay to understand the anatomy of the brain. In this assignment, we got to understand more about the anatomy but also got to understand the physiology of the brain.