Tuesday, May 31, 2016

20 Time Final Post

Highlight your final product:

My final product for my 20 Time project was making a website and charms.

I made this charm to give to the people who donated to "Pencils of  Promise" through the site I created.
This is a screenshot of the page i made on crowd rise. This is where I raised money. This site is really interesting because people can donate DIRECTLY to the organization of choice.
I made a presentation (Presentation Link) that I showed to the class, which included statistics and an overview of the organization. I talked a lot about the man who created Pencils of Promise, Adam Braun. I was inspired to do my 20 time project because of a TedTalk Video (Ted Talk Video) I watched about this man.

Embed your Ted Talk Video: I could not find my Ted Talk Video on the page you posted on canvas. I presented last Friday when you weren't here.

Reflect on the TED Talk:I think my Ted Talk went really well. I think that I really addressed the goal of my project and my learning experience. I also made sure to speak louder than I usually speak, so people could hear what I had to say. If I could do this project again, I would talk less about Adam Braun and the Ted Talk video and focus more on my product and process.

I think that I included everything that was addressed in the rubric, so I would give myself a 75/75. I made sure to include 3 references and describe my learning experience and setbacks.
To prepare for my 20 Time project, I made a presentation and wrote out a speech. For the first couple times, I practiced my speech using the paper. However, after a little bit, I didn't need the speech anymore and I started to just practice my presentation by just looking at my google slides presentation. I don't really do a lot of presentations in my other classes, so it was really nice to see how much I could say and how well I could speak during a presentation. I feel that in life, you have to give a lot of presentations, especially if you want to be involved in business. This experience will definitely help me in the future. I have grown through this experience because in my topic, I learned a lot about charities and organizations and what people in other countries are going through. It's really important for people like us to see that others in areas like Asia and South America are struggling every day. This project made me more aware of the outside world.

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