Sunday, March 13, 2016

What Happens when You Stretch

3 Important Quotes and Explanations:

1. "As the sarcomere contracts, the area of overlap between the thick and thin myofilaments. As it stretches, this area of overlap decreases, allowing the muscle fiber to elongate."
-I find this quote interesting because we learned a lot about muscle contraction in class, where the myosin and actin filaments overlap each other and the sarcomere shortens. However, when you stretch a muscle the process is different because the area of overlap decreases and the muscle fiber length increases.

2. "When you stretch your calf, you want to contract the shin muscles by flexing your foot. However, the hamstrings use the calf as a synergist so you want to relax the hamstrings by contracting the quadricep."
-I find this quote interesting because before tennis, I always stretch my calf, but sometimes I don't do it properly. This quote helps me understand the proper ways to stretch your calf to get an effective result.

3. "One of the reasons for holding a stretch for a prolonged period of time is that as you hold the muscle in a stretched position, the muscle spindle habituates (becomes accustomed to the new length) and reduces its signaling. Gradually, you can train your stretch receptors to allow greater lengthening of the muscles."
-I find this quote interesting because as holding your stretch for a long period of time can actually help train your stretch receptors to allow you to allow greater lengthening of muscles in the future.

Relate and Review:
The article was about the different things that happen in the body when someone stretches a muscle. I learned that the sarcomere contracts during muscle contraction, which allows the actin and myosin filaments to overlap each other. I learned that as you stretch, the area of overlap decreases and muscle fiber elongates. I also learned what proprioception is: the perception of one's own body position and movement. There are two kinds of muscle fibers: intrafusal muscle fibers and extrafusal muscle fibers. Also, when muscles contract, they produce tension at the point where the muscle is connected to the tendon. Lastly, I learned that it is easier to stretch a muscle that is relaxed than to stretch a muscle that is contracting. This article relates back to my life because I stretch all the time before sports and I never knew what actually occurs in the body when you stretch. I never knew that if you hold your stretch for a prolonged time, it can train your stretch receptors to allow greater lengthening of the muscles.

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