Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Unit 7 Reflection

This unit was in general about the Muscular System. We learned about the properties of muscle tissue, muscle function and classification, muscle names and basic anatomy, muscle contraction, directional terms and joint movements, performance enhancements, and muscle twitch. The essential understandings are basic anatomy of major muscles, skeletal muscles work in opposing pairs to produce varying types of movement, muscle contraction steps, and humans often use substances to boost performance.
We started off learning about the muscle functions, which were movement of bones or fluids, maintaining posture and body position, stabilizing joints, and heat generation. The properties of muscle tissue are excitability (ability to receive and respond to stimuli), contractibility (ability to shorten when stimulated), extensibility (ability to be stretched), and elasticity (ability to recoil to resting length). Origin is the immovable end of the muscle while insertion is the movable end of muscle . Each muscle is composed to many bundles of muscle fibers. Each muscle fiber is an individual cell that contains many myofibrils. Each sarcomere is composed of 2 protein filaments, called actin and myosin. The steps of contraction are very complex, but in short, the muscle contraction is triggered by electrical impulse and the sarcoplasmic reticulum releases calcium causing contraction. We learned about directional terms also such as flexion and abduction. We learned about all the different types of muscles like masseter and temporalis.
Anabolic steroids are used to boost athletic performance, build muscle, and increase body mass. In my previous blog post, I had to make an Anabolic Steroid Advertisement (Link of Advertisement blog post). To make the muscle contraction steps easier, we made a skit with our table group (Muscle Contraction Skit) Below is a picture that I used when I was studying the different steps. I find it very useful.
To help us learn the different muscles, we did a chicken dissection lab. Displayed below is a picture of the different muscles.

I want to learn more about the different performance enhancing substances and their affects on the body. I don't really understand what doping is and I wonder about why there are so many myths about performance enhancements.
I think I have grown tremendously this year. I am better at writing in my blog and have more experience with the website. I have learned a lot about my 20 Time project, like becoming more aware of the world outside Saratoga. (20 Time Blog Post).
My new years goal was to stop procrastinating. I have gotten better at that, but some classes, I still procrastinate doing all my work. I am focusing more in class, which is great! (New Years Goals)

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